Remember when I said I've made some "value studies"? Well I refined them. One of them to be exact.
That isn't supposed to be pretty and all, so it is not. It's just me trying to nail the values, where the "trying" is the key word. Meh...
Lets begin!
1. Rough sketch, simple indication of facial features, size and shape of face.
2. Some flat values, just to avoid that shiny 100% white.
3. Sculpting nose and face, toning down that moustache.
4. First of all, I liked third phase far more than this one, but I had to bring some value to his face. It's kinda shame I did that the worst way possible.
5. Some darks to make him pop out bit more.
6. Further sculpting, some hard edges to make him look less feminine and blurry. I messed up eyes pretty badly. Again.
7. Eye speculars, some details. At the moment I don't give a crap about hair - too time consuming, and that's just some value studies.
I know the self-portrait November was, as the name says, in November, but I'm always late.
Is that just me, or I look like psycho-junkie? Duh...
So long