
Monthly scraps - January 2017

Another first day of the month - another monthly scraps post.

That I want to finish, but it's hard :(

That I like less and less with every brush stroke I put. I was playing Mass Effect 2 and Illium happened. It's soooo moody place. I was like "imma paint it" but lost interest.
Don't like that piece. My anatomy is not good enough yet. 

And that I did for Jazza's COTM. I was struggling with legs, so I drew them separately.

I started to think more about making my process a bit easier lately.
I made that one sided brush (hard on one side, totally soft on the other) to make hard edges much quicker.
It allows me to focus more on real practice instead of messing up with edges. Of course I still have to refine them but it doesn't take as much time as painting them from scratch.
Now I can just zoom out and paint hints of form in quick and easy way :3 
It's not a biggie, but definitely helps a lot.

So yeah... some brush tests

That creeps me out :D

Some form studies

And an environment thumbnail sketch...

That's all for now,

So long