
Monthly scraps - October 2016

This month I focused on creating as finished illustrations as I can.
That doesn't mean that they look good. They are just finished :D

And here are scraps from this month:

^^ I'll have to go back to the older, black and white version -
maybe even create sketch out of that, and than put colours on.


^^ Those I didn't want to upload, but I'm trying to make a point about bad days and sort of progress journal

^^That fella you'll see in the future. I'm recording the "process of creation" so you can expect YT video this month. 

^^ and that one I've done as an entry for one of daily challenge on DrawCrowd. Kind of speedpainting. 

The key word of challenge was "Moon", and the only thing I had in mind was Bloodborne. 
I have never played it. I don't even like it design-wise. It just came out like that.

That's all

So long