
Old stuff 3

I was drawing a little this week. Really. I just didn't feel like I was suppose to save what I drew.

Any ways I have next batch of old stuff. Enjoy.

Back in 2013 I thought I can learn how to draw at decent level in 2 years. Well... Life happened and it turned out I would need a miracle to do this.
I was "studying" perspective, and all... These are few of exercises I was doing.

Long time ago in a land far, far away the author of that post lived in perfect harmony with the surrounding him world. One day, totally out of blue, he decided to be a concept-design artist so he started to observe and learn perspective by drawing on the top of the car photos the perspective grid.
At least he thought he did.

I did 20-30 of these /\ . And then this \/

/\ That's simple, but forces you to think in three dimensions. I have done maybe 30-40 of these before I even started to draw. Really.



/\ Then I started to draw really simple, rough representation of scenes, toys, pretty much everything I could think of, in 3d space, using horizon line, vanishing points and all of that. 1-point perspective and 2-point perspective is pretty much all I was practicing at the time. Oh.. and why that saloon is from 2016? It is kinda obvious it's from 2014.

Recently I started draw people, study anatomy, and frankly, I think I should have stick to that whole perspective thing.

So long.


Value studies 2

What a times we live in!
10 years ago I would have to gone to the live drawing class of some kind, or at least set up the scene with a bunch of random stuff, get some consistent lighting and draw for hours.

Now we have something called internet - the largest instrument ever developed. We can find references for pretty much everything that can be drawn.

Want to draw an elephant? - Google > elephant > lots of references!
Want to draw cute girl portrait? - Google > cute girl face portrait photo > lots of references!
Want to draw some mountain environment? - Google > mountains > lots of references!

But what if you want to do some SIMPLE value studies, with SIMPLE shapes and SIMPLE lighting situation?
Well finding that may be not so simple - even though you'll probably find hundreds of pretty decent photos, you may find nothing that suits your needs. What then?

Answer is rather simple - 3D. You can use, for example, Blender for setting up simple scene. Half an hour, two tutorials from YouTube, and you're good to go. You won't be pro after such a short time, but it'll be enough for creating something simple. Render stuff you want to draw from any angle you wish and draw.

Learning some of 3D basics won't hurt, and really can help you.
Any ways, I forgot to save my process, so I've got some scraps of layers that I didn't delete.

That's it.


Some value studies

Remember when I said I've made some "value studies"? Well I refined them. One of them to be exact.

That isn't supposed to be pretty and all, so it is not. It's just me trying to nail the values, where the "trying" is the key word. Meh...

Lets begin!

1. Rough sketch, simple indication of facial features, size and shape of face.

2. Some flat values, just to avoid that shiny 100% white.

3. Sculpting nose and face, toning down that moustache.

4. First of all, I liked third phase far more than this one, but I had to bring some value to his face. It's kinda shame I did that the worst way possible.

5. Some darks to make him pop out bit more.

6. Further sculpting, some hard edges to make him look less feminine and blurry. I messed up eyes pretty badly. Again.

7. Eye speculars, some details. At the moment I don't give a crap about hair - too time consuming, and that's just some value studies.

I know the self-portrait November was, as the name says, in November, but I'm always late.

Is that just me, or I look like psycho-junkie? Duh...

So long


Old stuff 2

Five days since I posted something, and guess what... You guessed right - I have nothing new to share.

I made few "value studies", though they suck balls so much I need some time to put them here. I mean some refining, aka redrawing whole image until it's good enough.

Fear not! I got something though. Plenty of stuff that sucks balls even more.

For example that lil' fella you all should know:

I've found Peter's Dinklage promotional photo in Google - simple as that. Simple, low-resolution, black&white studies. You can see a construction lines, and all that stuff. I really like to have that sketch layer not entirely covered, even if at my level of drawing that looks just messy. I don't give a crap. Period.

Another value studies:

Guy who did this is certainly good at what he's doing. I was drawing few of his sculptures as a studies. For these who are interested - here's the link to  his DA

That's just a bunch of random drawings from the back of my head:

More like warm-up sketches huh... crappy, and old, and crappy, but that running stickman tho'

Oh.. and I've got that, for these of you, who think I'm drawing only the faces:
I couldn't decide what pose I like the most, so I scraped that. Maybe one day I'll render that, or at least give her a face... and clothes.

For you it may be not such a big deal. For you it may be not worth a second of your time. For you it may look like 10 years old kid's drawing, but hey - when I was starting 2 years ago I was drawing like 5 years old kid... I'm never that positive. Hope I won't be sick.

I'll post something when it's ready.

In the meantime
May the force be with you!


Face rough sketch - process

I woke up, drank a cup of coffee, and sat my ass in front of computer. Typical daily routine.
Now I'm sitting there, writing something that barely makes sense, and basically trying to be productive.


So maybe something like that - I decided to take my process of drawing faces apart, just to check on what I should focus more. The answer is EVERYTHING, which I knew, but now I realised that even more.
Maybe writing about what I f***ed up will result in not f***ing up...
"Process"* is kinda straight forward, as the "drawing" itself. Face in front view - nothing can go wrong, right?

Enjoy my pain.

1. 25% Grey background, 'cause white is too intimidating; center line, 'cause I can't keep anything symmetrical without it; basic shape of face, measurement of facial features. At this point looks like nothing (not that it looks like something at the end...).
So what I did wrong? Well... I jumped to drawing phase to early. For example I should draw eye shadow bit lower, and sculpt the jaw until it look feminine. I didn't so it look like nothing at the end. Bit more rendered, but still, nothing.

2. Ok - Actual drawing phase. 70% grey pencil, because 100% black is too dark and I'm getting carried really easily; drawing facial features like eyes, nose... well, you see what...
Again - what's wrong? I made her nose bigger than I intended (not big deal huh?). I don't follow that messed up eye socket, which is nice, but it seems I don't follow measurements, and that sucks. Her ears are so unsymmetrical it hurts, I kind of like her eyebrows though.

3."Cleaning" phase - self explanatory really. Not paying much attention to that, even if I should. From young girl to bored, tired young men. Ave my rendering skill -_- I could have soften her more.. I mean her face. Oh.. and my brush strokes are so uneconomical...

4. For some reason I CAN NOT draw the speculars of eye when I draw the iris, so yeah...

5. The rest... For long time I was so afraid of drawing/painting eyes I would rather end at 3rd (or even 2nd) step, than mess them up. Now I suck at it more than anything else. Too sharp iris, to sharp highlights, non-existing roundness of sclera.

Basically I should use references more often, because, honestly, I never do. I think I like learning everything in the hard way, so since 2013, I made circa 6 "studies" with real references. Yeah... The point is 95% of what you'll see is created by my twisted mind.

So long!
God save the Queen!

*Oh and the "" means that's too big word for describing that... whatever it is.

Old Stuff 1

Ok. I have a blog, assumptions, expectations. Am I supposed to post something? I mean - I know I should(is that sentence even correct?).

I wanted to start with uploading something recent, but, as I said in first post I'm inconsequent and inconsistent, so I have no recent work. Genius...

I'll be working on changing that this week. In the meantime, I got for you some of 2014 stuff.
Like this:

It took me some time... I don't know how much. 3-4h is kinda wild guess, but certainly too much.
Basically it's a Batman. That's all.

Next one! Frankly I'm not even sure if it isn't a 2013, but catch them all:

Oh.. they are from 2013... These are for friend of my, who decided to give me "training task" -  3 helmet "designs". I'm not even sure if I want to upload them, because of their crappyness, so that means I have to upload them. Wow!  I signed them... I had huge ego...

And the last for today (or rather for that post):

That's 2014 for sure. Everything what I draw ends in that I-am-so-far-from-being-finished state. Rendering is so boring I can't even learn it. That was so long ago, I don't even remember what was with that quick-note thing on right. Nevermind... These dots around her are probably color samples... For you it doesn't exist. For me neither.

Well... next post I'm gonna upload probably won't be any better. (again: inconsequent, inconsistent)


so... let's get started

I launched the blog! Yay! ...but really - what now? and what's the point?  and who the hell am I?

Let me begin from the end.

So (at the moment of writing this post) I'm just bored with being inconsequent, inconsistent, no one and all that stuff I will post is some kind of way, to force myself, to be more consequential, and consistent.

Now, when you know who I am, and what's the point - I'm drawing a little, want to draw more, so I will. The thing is - I'm not that good at it, like, at all. This blog is not about me shining god-like draftsmanship skill, nor pleasing you with pretty pictures. I just need the place where I can share my shitty artwork and maybe, just maybe, bits of progress.

If anyone will ever step here and see any of that crap, that's good. If not - that's even better.

Oh.. and one more thing! English is not my native language, so "me so solly" for mistakes.