
Face rough sketch - process

I woke up, drank a cup of coffee, and sat my ass in front of computer. Typical daily routine.
Now I'm sitting there, writing something that barely makes sense, and basically trying to be productive.


So maybe something like that - I decided to take my process of drawing faces apart, just to check on what I should focus more. The answer is EVERYTHING, which I knew, but now I realised that even more.
Maybe writing about what I f***ed up will result in not f***ing up...
"Process"* is kinda straight forward, as the "drawing" itself. Face in front view - nothing can go wrong, right?

Enjoy my pain.

1. 25% Grey background, 'cause white is too intimidating; center line, 'cause I can't keep anything symmetrical without it; basic shape of face, measurement of facial features. At this point looks like nothing (not that it looks like something at the end...).
So what I did wrong? Well... I jumped to drawing phase to early. For example I should draw eye shadow bit lower, and sculpt the jaw until it look feminine. I didn't so it look like nothing at the end. Bit more rendered, but still, nothing.

2. Ok - Actual drawing phase. 70% grey pencil, because 100% black is too dark and I'm getting carried really easily; drawing facial features like eyes, nose... well, you see what...
Again - what's wrong? I made her nose bigger than I intended (not big deal huh?). I don't follow that messed up eye socket, which is nice, but it seems I don't follow measurements, and that sucks. Her ears are so unsymmetrical it hurts, I kind of like her eyebrows though.

3."Cleaning" phase - self explanatory really. Not paying much attention to that, even if I should. From young girl to bored, tired young men. Ave my rendering skill -_- I could have soften her more.. I mean her face. Oh.. and my brush strokes are so uneconomical...

4. For some reason I CAN NOT draw the speculars of eye when I draw the iris, so yeah...

5. The rest... For long time I was so afraid of drawing/painting eyes I would rather end at 3rd (or even 2nd) step, than mess them up. Now I suck at it more than anything else. Too sharp iris, to sharp highlights, non-existing roundness of sclera.

Basically I should use references more often, because, honestly, I never do. I think I like learning everything in the hard way, so since 2013, I made circa 6 "studies" with real references. Yeah... The point is 95% of what you'll see is created by my twisted mind.

So long!
God save the Queen!

*Oh and the "" means that's too big word for describing that... whatever it is.