
Old stuff 2

Five days since I posted something, and guess what... You guessed right - I have nothing new to share.

I made few "value studies", though they suck balls so much I need some time to put them here. I mean some refining, aka redrawing whole image until it's good enough.

Fear not! I got something though. Plenty of stuff that sucks balls even more.

For example that lil' fella you all should know:

I've found Peter's Dinklage promotional photo in Google - simple as that. Simple, low-resolution, black&white studies. You can see a construction lines, and all that stuff. I really like to have that sketch layer not entirely covered, even if at my level of drawing that looks just messy. I don't give a crap. Period.

Another value studies:

Guy who did this is certainly good at what he's doing. I was drawing few of his sculptures as a studies. For these who are interested - here's the link to  his DA

That's just a bunch of random drawings from the back of my head:

More like warm-up sketches huh... crappy, and old, and crappy, but that running stickman tho'

Oh.. and I've got that, for these of you, who think I'm drawing only the faces:
I couldn't decide what pose I like the most, so I scraped that. Maybe one day I'll render that, or at least give her a face... and clothes.

For you it may be not such a big deal. For you it may be not worth a second of your time. For you it may look like 10 years old kid's drawing, but hey - when I was starting 2 years ago I was drawing like 5 years old kid... I'm never that positive. Hope I won't be sick.

I'll post something when it's ready.

In the meantime
May the force be with you!