I retopoligized it!
It's not the best topology but it's not that bad for a first head retopo...
That's high resolution model.
That's low resolution model. I changed the ear and skull a little bit before retopo. Sorry 'bout that. I forgot to render the proper before and after.
The fact I rendered both, the low and high res mesh at once doesn't help neither. It gave me that weird patch on her clavicle area. Sorry 'bout that too. I didn't noticed that the render visibility for high res was still on.
And that's low poli mesh with UV layout as a texture. It's pretty dense mesh but the entire model has like 6 pairs of poles (vertices that are connected to more than 4 edges) and none of them connects to 6 or more edges. It doesn't have any triangular faces too so it's not that bad for first head I've ever did.
I also started texturing but as I moved to normal maps I realized that I'll have to do that again...
so that's just temporary texture (WIP to add to that...)
-texturing (in progress);
-creating some normal , ambient occlusion and specularity maps (in progress);
-exporting to Unreal Engine 4;
-MAYBE rigging, animating and putting some hair on.
That's it.
So long